ASA Information

2022 Alabama ASA State SOY Program

There are a few changes to the 2021 Alabama ASA State SOY Program so here we go if you have any questions let us know.

Tournament Director:

James Hornbuckle

2021 Alabama ASA State Federation Shooter of the Year:

Alabama State Criteria:

*****Shooter of the Year Buckles will be offered to every class (except bow novice and known 40) regardless of the number of participants in each class. This will be made possible by all of the hosting clubs of qualifiers. They will be making a donation to the “shooter of the year buckle fund” for each qualifier they host. ASA will only allow each state to have enough buckles for the classes with 3 or more participants, so this year we are able to purchase extra buckles to include everyone in this program.*****

    1. All ASA rules and regulations apply to all SOY state qualifiers.
    2. All AL ASA State Qualifiers will be a 20 target set to be eligible for SOY points. State Championship will be a 30 target set.
    3. As discussed amongst the ASA clubs all ranges will be required to set the following stakes and should have them posted at the sign-in table. (Please let all shooters know of these changes)​
      • 50 yard-PINK
      • 45 yard-WHITE
      • 40 yard-RED
      • 30 yard-BLUE
      • 25 yard-YELLOW
      • 20 yard-GREEN
      • 15 yard-ORANGE
    4. Groups will be busted. For adult classes, a group is defined as three (3) ADULT competitors at all times. Juvenile children competitors DO NOT count as a group member in an ADULT class and CAN NOT be scorekeepers for groups of adult competitors.
    5. Two scorecards are a MANDATORY requirement for each group at the qualifiers and State Championship. No exceptions.
    6. All shooters must advance to the target for the purposes of observing the group scoring.
    7. A group or individual may not approach the next shooting stake until the group occupying that stake has fully cleared the area. Anyone advancing to the competitor’s area of any other stake and/or interfering with another group will receive a score of zero for that target.
    8. Shooters must register to shoot in the same class that they shoot at ASA Pro/Am level. Class changes must be approved by the Alabama State Director.
    9. Shooters that compete in Bow Novice or K-40 must also be aware that these classes are immediate move up classes, meaning if you win out on a national level and are required to move up at the remainder of national events you must also do this on a statewide level.
    10. At the discretion of the host club and or AL ASA state director a shooter(s) may be required at random to shoot their equipment through a chronograph for class speed compliance.
    11. The AL ASA director(s) have designated that ALL the ASA qualifiers shot INSIDE the state of Alabama to be eligible for SOY points(must be 20 targets)!
    12. A shooter must compete in a minimum of (3) state qualifiers (must be shot at 3 different locations) within the state of Alabama, and the AL State ASA Championship to be eligible for the SOY program. Regardless of the number of qualifiers shot, only the top 3 scores from 3 different locations and the score from the AL State Championship will count towards the SOY points standing.
    13. Any shooter that does not compete in the State Championship, and/or does not post scores in the required number of events is ineligible for the State SOY program.
    14. The SOY program is open to both residents and non-residents of Alabama. Only qualifiers shot inside the state of Alabama are eligible for AL State ASA SOY points. The rules for the AL State SOY program applies to all ASA annual and life members.


    1. The SOY program will include all amateur classes recognized by the ASA, with the exception of the Bow Novice and K-40 classes (ASA does not provide buckles for these classes because they are considered immediate move up classes).
    2. The ASA will provide SOY awards at the State Championship.
    3. Cumulative scores will be posted after the first six qualifiers in the state of Alabama have been turned in.
    4. Points for SOY are awarded using the following formula:


      • Qualifier #1-score of 204
      • Qualifier #2-score of 212
      • Qualifier #3-score of 203
      • Total of (3) qualifiers for a total of 619
      • AL State Championship Score 260
      • 619 qualifier points plus 260 points from State Championship equals an aggregate score of 879 SOY points

The shooter’s top 3 state qualifier scores combined with their score from the AL State Championship for an aggregate score will determine the SOY standings.

  1. The top (5) competitors of each SOY qualified class will be peer grouped at the state shoot. These peer groups will be scheduled to shoot their round on Saturday only at the State shoot. Buckles will be given out Saturday evening for SOY. AL directors will be creating a peer group time that will be posted promptly after the last qualifier for groups, this will be posted on the Alabama ASA Federation Facebook page. If for any reason you are not willing to shoot in a peer group for the state shoot, you do not need to compete in the SOY program.

At the conclusion of an ASA State Qualifier, participating clubs should e-mail their qualifier shooter information to include the ASA #, First and Last Name of competitor, Class, Score, 12 count, and the Location of the Qualifier was shot to by no later than 10 PM of the Wednesday following their qualifier. Please use the provided Excel SOY template or a typed e-mail following the same format. Handwritten results or results by phone cannot be accepted.

The designated SOY scorekeeper will be responsible for receiving the scores at Once the scores have been tabulated the state SOY standings will be posted to the AL ASA Federation Facebook page and reported to the ASA state directors.