BHA Shooting Classes 2024

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2024 Classes For BHA

Professional – Anyone who competes using a compound bow as a certified professional in nationally sanctioned 3-D events must compete in an appropriate BHA Professional or Semi-Pro Class.

Pro Classes: Open to ASA members in good standing with a current ASA Pro Certification.

Open Pro 50 290 Unknown
Known Open Pro 50 290 Known
Senior Open Pro Age 50 and over 50 290 Unknown
Senior Known Pro Age 50 and over 50 290 Known
Women’s Open Pro 50 280 Unknown
Women’s Known Pro 50 280 Known

Semi-Pro Classes: Open to ASA members in good standing and an ASA Membership is required. Anyone winning an amount less than four times the class entry fee during their last year of ASA competition may request to move down prior to a competition, but anyone who has won their way out of an ASA class may not return to that class unless approved by the Competition Committee. Competitors in a class designated with a (+) will be required to move up at the completion of the season to a pro class when meeting both of the following criteria:

  • Class winnings & Shooter of the Year equal to 12 times the class entry fee.
  • Either two top ten finishes, or one top five finish.
Semi-Pro Open (+) 50 290 Unknown
Known 50 (+) 50 290 Known

Amateur – Open to ASA members in good standing. For all adult 40-, 45- and 50-yard classes ASA Membership is required. Any competitor in an amateur class designated below with a (+) will be required to move up at the completion of the season to a higher class for their equipment type after earning an amount equal to 12 times their class entry fee in class winnings, plus any Shooter of the Year bonus, and having either two top ten finishes, or one top five finish.  

Anyone winning an amount less than four times the class entry fee during their last year of ASA competition may request to move down no less than two weeks prior to a competition, but anyone who has won their way out of an ASA class may not return to that class unless approved by the Competition Committee. Anyone shooting in a class higher than Men’s Pins 30, Known 40 or Women’s Pins 30 may not return to those classes except for a special waiver request approved by the Competition Committee.

Men’s Open Equipment Classes:

Open 45 (+) 45 280 Unknown
Open 40 (+) 40 280 Unknown
Known 45 (+) 45 280 Known
Known 40 (+) 40 280 Known

Men’s Senior Open Equipment Classes:

Senior Known 50 (+) Age 50 and over 50 290 Known
Senior Open Age 50 and over 45 280 Unknown
Senior Known (+) Age 50 and over 45 280 Known
Super Senior Open Age 60 and over 40 280 Unknown
Super Senior Known Age 60 and over 40 280 Known
Senior Masters Open Age 69 and over 40 280 Unknown
Senior Masters Known Age 69 and over 40 280 Known

Men’s Hunter 45 Class:

Men’s Hunter 45 45 290 Known

A moveable sight may be used without being locked down. Magnification is not permitted. Clarifiers or verifiers in the peep are not considered magnification and are permitted. A front stabilizer or a system including quick releases, enhancers, and/or weights may be used, but may not exceed twelve inches (12”) in total length from the tip of the stabilizer/system to the point of attachment on the front of the riser. A single rear stabilizer up to twelve inches (12”) in length (including weights) may be used regardless of the point of attachment to the bow.

Women’s Open Equipment Classes:

Women’s Open 45 (+) 45 280 Unknown
Women’s Known 45 (+) 45 280 Known
*Women’s Known 40 (+) 40 260 Known
*Women’s Senior Known Age 50 40 260 Known
*Women’s Super Senior Known Age 60 40 260 Known

* For all Women’s Classes at 40 yards or less the maximum bow speed is 260 FPS, the maximum diameter of arrows will not exceed 9.3mm or .366, and points will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370” (2300 series.)


Fixed Pin Equipment Rules for Adult, Young Adult, Youth and Eagle:

Sights – All Eagle, 30- and 40-yard classes use fixed pins with no pin limit. A movable sight may be used but must be locked down into a fixed position that will be verified by the group prior to competing. Magnification is permitted in 40-yard classes. Clarifiers or verifiers in the peep are not considered magnification and are permitted in all classes.

Stabilizers – A front stabilizer or a system including quick releases, enhancers and/or weights may be used, but may not exceed twelve inches (12”) in total length from the tip of the stabilizer (or system) to the point of attachment on the front of the riser of the bow. A single rear stabilizer up to twelve inches (12”) in length (including weights) may be used regardless of the point of attachment to the bow.

Men’s Fixed Pin Classes:

Men’s Pins 40 (+) 40 280 Known
Senior Pins Age 50 and over 40 280 Known
Super Senior Pins Age 60 and over 40 280 Known
Men’s Pins 30 (+) 30 280 Known

Women’s Fixed Pin Classes: (See new arrow size rule)

*Women’s Pins 40 40 260 Known
*Women’s Pins 30 (+) 30 260 known


Crossbow 40 40 330 Known

Crossbows must be in sound working condition with a functioning safety and maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications. No replacement or alteration of a manufacturer’s trigger assembly or safety mechanism shall be allowed. Scopes up to 6x power may be used and may be equipped with lines or mill dots, but no light or image may be projected and there may be no range finding capability. Except as may be required due to an approved medical exemption, crossbows may only be shot in a standing position and the use of any device or outside agency including quivers, added foregrips, brackets, slings, hooked butt-plates, palm rests, stabilizer bars, rails, supports, prop stick(s) or any device that adds weight or allows the mass weight of the bow to be relieved from either arm or to steady the bow is prohibited; unless specified next.  Use of a manufacturer’s cocking/cranking device, one level, and one manufacturer’s stirrup, weight(s) no larger than 2” in diameter and no more than 4” in combined totaled length and one set of limb vibration dampening devices shall be permitted if safely attached and not affecting the safe functioning of the crossbow. If a cocking/cranking device is attached to the bow, it must be utilized as the method of cocking the crossbow. Use of the forward elbow against the ribcage or side is permitted. Bolts/arrows must be identical in size and weight with a minimum of three (3) vanes with a maximum outer diameter of .366”/9.3mm. Crossbows may be cocked while at the on-deck position and loaded only when the shooter is at the stake.  When loaded it must always remain pointed down range. A “let down” as referenced in Shooting Rule “L” with a crossbow is defined as moving to any position which allows the shooter to relieve weight of the crossbow in a resting position. Regarding Shooting Rule “I” there will be a three-person committee of shooters selected by the Range Official on the range who will review any equipment issues.



The bow must be either recurve or longbow without wheels or cams. .
Shoot off of the shelf or elevated rest allowed No plunger allowed.
No release aid, no sights, a single stabilizer up to 12” in length measured from the point of attachment, no overdraws, no draw checks, must have one finger touching the arrow nock and must use one consistent anchor point.
Bow-mounted quivers are allowed. No marks on the sight window, string, or bow to use as an aiming or judging reference. String silencers or dampeners are allowed.
All arrows must be identical in size, weight, and construction
Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Traditional 25 280 Unknown


Olympic Recurve

Olympic Recurve will compete at known distance. Bows must conform to World Archery rules at for this class. The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed 9.3mm or .366″; and the field or glue-in point for these arrows will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370”. No changes or alterations to the manufacturer’s exterior finish and markings are permitted, except for the addition of fletching wraps or that occur during use.

Olympic Recurve 30 260 Known

Barebow Recurve

Barebow Recurve will compete at known distance. Bows must conform to World Archery rules at for this class. The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed 9.3mm or .366″; and the field or glue-in point for these arrows will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370”. No changes or alterations to the manufacturer’s exterior finish and markings are permitted, except for the addition of fletching wraps or that occur during use. Clickers and/or draw checks are not allowed. Competitors may elect to aim by using a consistent anchor point on their face or neck and “walking” the string, or they may elect to touch the nock of the arrow with their index finger and “walk” their face to aim, but they may not do both simultaneously.

Barebow Recurve 30 260 Known

Young Adult, Youth & Eagle Class – These Classes are not based on their year of school, but on their age as of January 1st of the competition year.

Arrow Rule for Young Adult, Youth & Eagle Class: The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed 9.3mm or .366″; and the field or glue-in point for these arrows will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370”. No changes or alterations to the manufacturer’s exterior finish and markings are permitted, except for the addition of fletching wraps or that occur during use.

Young Adult (Ages 15-17):

Young Adult Open Female 40 260 Known
Young Adult Pins Female 40 260 Known
Young Adult Open Male 40 280 Known
Young Adult Pins Male 40 280 Known

**If in the opinion of the Range Official anyone in Youth or Eagle is having difficulty drawing and controlling the bow, they will be required to decrease the poundage to allow them to properly draw and shoot the bow, regardless of arrow speed, to be able to participate.

Youth (Ages 12-14):

Youth Open Boys 30 260 Known
Youth Open Girls 30 260 Known
Youth Pins Boys  See “Fixed Pin Class Rules” 30 260 Known
Youth Pins Girls See “Fixed Pin Class Rules” 30 260 Known
Youth Olympic Recurve See “Olympic Recurve Class Rules” 25 240 Known
Youth Barebow Recurve See “Barebow Recurve Class Rules” 25 240 Known

Eagle (Ages 9-11):

Participation is one round of twenty targets Saturday morning. All Jr Eagles must be accompanied by an adult and must be able to draw their bow under control and without undue difficulty.

Eagle Open Boys 25 230 Known
Eagle Open Girls 25 230 Known
Eagle Pins Boy 20 230 Known
Eagle Pins Girls 20 230 Known
Eagle Recurve 20 220 Known

Eagle Recurve allows the use of Barebow Recurve, Olympic Recurve, Traditional/Longbow or a universal one-size fits all bow approved for use in NASP competition with a maximum draw weight of 20# along with Easton XX75 Genesis Series aluminum arrows.

Junior Eagle (Ages 6-8):
All Jr Eagles must be accompanied by an adult and must be able to draw their bow under control and without undue difficulty.

Junior Eagle 15 220 Known

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