3:09 pm

Chapter President

October 24, 2012

Bowmania is next weekend July21-22-23 at the Birmingham World Deer Expo at the BJCC.
We are DOWNSTAIRS just like last year it’s the
Largest indoor 3D Archery Tournament in the Southeast.
Times for the shoot are
Friday 3-8:30
Saturday 10-8:30 and
Sunday 10-3:00
Awards for 1st three places in all classes
Men’s /Women’s Bowhunter
Sr. Pins Bowhunter
Men’s/Women’s Open
Sr Open
Youth Traditional
Elementary/Middle/High School Open
Elementary/Middle/High School Fixed Pins
1st Round $10 all classes- Additional Rounds $5 all classes
Shoot as many rounds as you like. Your best score will count for awards.
Must be a BHA member to shoot if you join onsite the 1st round is free.
Membership $20 individual, $30 Family- You Can join on-site or
Visit our website-www.bowhuntersofalabamaorg
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