BHA Award Applications

Bowhunter of the Year

This application is to be used for all categories of Bowhunter of the Year. Each club is encouraged to nominate someone from their club for each Bowhunter of the Year: Male, Female and Youth.
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Big Buck Award

A certificate is given to show BHA members that have taken a whitetail deer with a bow and arrow. Only one certificate is awarded per year even if you have taken more than one deer; however, you are requested to fill out a form for each deer you kill.
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Big Turkey Award

A certificate is given to show BHA members that have taken a turkey with a bow and arrow. Only one certificate is awarded per year even if you have taken more than one turkey; however, you are requested to fill out a form for each turkey you kill.
Download Application

Once you have completed an application, you can submit it using the form below!

Max. file size: 50 MB.